Build the capacity and capability of institutions to implement, maintain and deliver sustainable best practices in corporate governance. Leadership and management through:

  • Developing and facilitating training programs to enhance and update the governance, leadership and management competencies and skills of collective boards, individual directors, board committees, board officers. and senior managers.
  •  Facilitating the development of appropriate institutional governance, leadership and management systems, performance, instruments, documents or procedures that are fit for the purpose now and into the future.
  • Coaching and mentoring on corporate governance, leadership and management matters.
  • Facilitating retreats in ethical & strategic leadership, team building, organizational culture, IT governance, risk governance and management; the management of change and driving organizational excellence.
  • Developing and facilitating in-house programs to put in place or strengthen institutional capacity and capability to measure and evaluate the status, quality and impact of governance, leadership and management practices.
  • Promoting the adoption and implementation of governance, leadership and management systems that enhance the competitive, performance and sustainable excellence of the organization to deliver the absolute most in results.
  • Developing and conducting programs to build and create the institutional capacity and capability to assess, monitor and evaluate the quality and effectiveness of own governance, leadership and management processes and practices.
  • Exciting, inciting and motivating boards, directors and senior managers to understand, stay current, effectively leverage and capitalize on the full potential of, and otherwise exercise effective oversight over, the digital, technology and competitive environment in which they operate.