About Us
Africa Corporate Governance Advisory Services (ACGAS) is a consultancy and advisory services company established in 2008. ACGAS was started by a team of certified corporate governance trainers under the leadership of Karugor Gatamah. He is the founder and first Chief Executive of CCG.
ACGAS sets out to promote excellence in corporate governance by delivering:
Capacity to install, maintain and deliver sustainable practices for competitive and performance excellence. Capacity to measure and test the quality and impact of corporate governance and leadership practices.
We seek to achieve four fundamental objectives:
- Improve the governance of enterprises.
- Enhance the attractiveness, credibility, sustainability of the business sector in Africa.
- Facilitate the establishment of collaborative platforms – between public, private and civil society sectors.
- To secure a stable environment in which business enterprises can grow, thrive and sustainably create wealth.
Our Vision
Promote the highest standards of governance, leadership, and management in order to drive the competitive, performance and sustainable excellence of organizations
Our Mission
Facilitate advisory, consultancy, research, and training services that promote the implementation of the best practices for the delivery of the absolute most in results for all
Our Guiding Values
- The pursuit of professional excellence
- Focused intelligence, passion, and innovative creativity.
- Social accountability with integrity and sincerity.
- Responsible stewardship in the best interests of all our client